Pasture Pals Equine Rescue

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."
- Ronald Reagan

Adoption Application & Guidelines
Adoption Application & Guidelines
Interested in adopting? We have a step by step guide on everything you need to do.
Before you think about adoption from Pasture Pals, please read the Adoption Application and Guidelines first!
Both the Adoption Application and Guidelines are required to have been filled out and signed at time of adoption meeting appointments! All adoptions are done by appointment only.

Guidelines & Application
Guidelines & Application
PPER requires potential adopters to sign our adoption guidelines and fill out an adoption application form by the time of the scheduled appointment to meet the animal(s). Adoptions are done by appointment only.
You can find the adoption guidelines here, and the adoption application here. (Application also available in .doc format). Along with the application, Pasture Pals requires photos of the pasture, shelter, fencing and herd mates to be submitted for review. Please email these required photos along with the signed guidelines and application to
Before reaching out about adopting an animal, please first think carefully about the real cost of owning an equine. You can read here to find out how much does it really cost to own a horse?
You can also view our one page adoption agreement here.
Check out Our Equines and when you find the animal you are interested in, Please, email us at for more information!
Adoption Fees
Adoption Fees
At Pasture Pals Equine Rescue our adoption fees have little to do with "appraised value" of the animals, but everything to do with finding the right forever home and helping to fund the feed and vet bills of the rescue.
PPER does not post adoption fees, because there is no "set" fee. All of the animals are different with different abilities, different personalities, different histories, and different needs. Instead our adoption fees are based on 50% of our monetary investment in the animal, then adjusted for age, health, training, or special needs. With the minimum adoption fee always being what the Feed Lot would get if selling the animal for meat, thus discouraging unscrupulous people from trying to get the animals cheap and resell them to make a quick profit.

Here are some of our equines in their happy new homes!
To meet your favorite equine, please schedule an appointment by emailing us at